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Doris van de Sand accompanied me in her coaching sessions very empathetically and sustainably. With the help of systemic methods she worked out my personal strengths and guided me to my goal by means of specific questioning techniques. I discovered how to better sort and structure my priorities.

Already after the second coaching session, my eyes fell on an important topic and from that moment on I no longer doubted myself. I was also able to resolve other issues during the coaching sessions.

I am very impressed by the trusting and authentic nature of Doris van de Sand and her methodical way of dissolving blockades and finding personal strengths and goals.

B. T.  - associate of an international insurance group)


"Doris creates a pleasant, open atmosphere with her unagitated, calm and cordial manner - which for me is the essential basis for coaching. Life experience, knowledge of human nature, coaching tools and methods are, in addition to her personality, other "success factors", which I greatly appreciate about Doris and her coaching approach".

(Rainer W., Business Development Manager, Internaitonal automotive group, North America)

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